Roundtable “Public Procurement under Scrutiny”
The roundtable “Public Procurement under Scrutiny”, organised by Bečej Youth Association (BUM), has provided a venue to present the results of a survey conducted within the framework of the project of the same name.
BUM’s website explains the organisation’s monitoring team reviewed public procurement processes in the field of education, as well as local self-government operations. This association’s team analysed more than 200 public procurement processes conducted by ministries, secretariats, local self-government and educational institutions. The survey also looked into case law, i.e. court judgments passed pursuant to complaints filed by the State Audit Institution in connection with public procurement processes.
After the presentation of survey results, public procurement experts Aleksandra Litričin and Saša Varinac gave lectures. The event was attended by representatives of local educational institutions in the Municipality of Bečej, who had an opportunity to learn about expected amendments to the Public Procurement Law and the key risks in all stages of the public procurement procedure.
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